Ohio Public Library Information Network Bylaws

Article I: Name of the Organization and Its Governing Authority.

The name of the organization shall be the Ohio Public Library Information Network, also known as OPLIN, and its governing authority shall be the OPLIN Board of Trustees.

Article II: Purpose of the Organization.

The purpose of OPLIN shall be to ensure equity of access to electronic information for all Ohio citizens.

Article III: Participation in the Organization.

Any board of trustees of any public county, township, municipal, school district, county district, regional district, or association library organized under the Ohio Revised Code, or any regional library system chartered by the State Library of Ohio, may choose to participate in OPLIN by notifying the OPLIN Board in writing and agreeing to comply with OPLIN rules and regulations.

Article IV: Purpose and Authority of the OPLIN Board.

The OPLIN Board, as originally established by the 121st GA H. B. 117, has oversight responsibility for the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN). In exercise of such responsibility, the OPLIN Board shall be governed by these Bylaws, all of which shall be in accordance with State and Federal law.

Article V: Membership on the OPLIN Board.

Section A: Composition.

  1. Eleven members, herein also referred to as Board Members, shall be selected from the staff and past or present Boards of Trustees of Ohio public libraries.
  2. The OPLIN Executive Director and the State Librarian or his/her designee shall serve as ex-officio Board Members. Other ex-officio Board Members may be appointed at the discretion of the OPLIN Board of Trustees.

Section B: Duration of Membership.

  1. The term of service for Board Members is three years, commencing on July 1. Initial staggered terms of one, two, and three years will be established to commence on July 11, 1995, with replacement by full three-year terms thereafter.
  2. In the event that an individual Board Member becomes unable to complete his/her term, that term will be completed by a replacement proposed by the OPLIN Board to the State Library Board, consistent with Article V, Section E.
  3. Board Members may serve no more than two consecutive full terms.

Section C: Good Faith Service.

Members of the OPLIN Board shall carry out its mission in accordance with the strictest ethical guidelines and will ensure that they conduct themselves in a manner that fosters public confidence in the integrity of the Board, its processes, and its accomplishments. Board members must, at all times, abide by protections to the public embodied in Ohio ethics laws as interpreted by the Ohio Ethics Commission and Ohio courts.

Section D: Rights and Privileges.

  1. Each Board Member may cast one vote on any issue presented to the OPLIN Board. Ex-Officio Board Members are not eligible to vote.
  2. Attendance is not transferable. If a Board Member is unable to participate in a majority of the regular Board meetings during any fiscal year, the State Library Board should be notified to seek a replacement as prescribed in Article V, Section E, unless the OPLIN Board votes to excuse the absences due to mitigating circumstances.
  3. Any Board Member or ex-officio Board Member may bring issues to the attention of the Board by submitting said issues to the Board Chair and the Executive Director for placement on the Board agenda.

Section E: Selection of Members of the Board.

The Board shall be appointed by the State Library Board. A Nominations Committee, appointed annually by the OPLIN Board, shall provide to the State Library Board the name of a qualified person to fill each vacancy on the OPLIN Board, based on recommendations from the Ohio public library community.

Article VI: Officers of the OPLIN Board.

Section A: Officers.

  1. The officers of the OPLIN Board will be Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
  2. Election of officers shall be conducted at the first Board meeting immediately following July 1.

Section B: Vacancies.

  1. Upon resignation of the Chair, the Vice Chair will immediately become Chair.
  2. Vacancy of the Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer position will be filled by special election at the next Board meeting.

Section C: Duties of Officers.

  1. The Chairperson of the OPLIN Board will preside at all meetings, approve the Board meeting agenda for dissemination to the Board, appoint all committees, chair the Executive Committee, and perform other duties delegated by the Board to the presiding officer.
  2. The Vice Chair will, in the absence of the Chairperson, perform the duties of presiding officer of the Board.
  3. The Secretary will be responsible for monitoring the accuracy and completeness of Board records, will certify and sign minutes and any other official documents adopted by the Board, and will act as presiding officer in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair.
  4. The Treasurer will be responsible for monitoring the receipt of budgetary and other financial documents and records from the State Library Fiscal Services, and will act as presiding officer in the absence of other officers.

Article VII: Meetings of the OPLIN Board.

Section A: Regular Meetings.

The Board will meet at least four times per year.

Section B: Special Meetings.

The Chair may call special meetings as required, providing at least 72 hours advance notice and the reason for such special meeting.

Section C: Quorum.

At all meetings of the OPLIN Board, six voting members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section D: Order of Business.

Order of business at regular meetings of the OPLIN Board shall be established by an approved agenda.

Article VIII: Voting by the OPLIN Board.

Section A: Motions and Resolutions.

  1. Voting on motions and resolutions shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
  2. If there is a quorum present, a simple majority of votes by Board Members present and voting shall be required for adoption of most motions or resolutions. Seven votes shall be required for passage of motions amending Board Bylaws or Policies.

Section B: Consensus.

Certain items of business may be approved by consensus as deemed appropriate by the Chair.

Article IX: Committees of the OPLIN Board.

Section A: Committees.

Business of the Board may be conducted by the Board as a whole or by committees or task forces, as authorized by the Board. Such groups will be appointed by the Chair and may include Board Members or other individuals as deemed appropriate.

Section B: Executive Committee.

  1. The Executive Committee of the Board will consist of the officers of the Board and one additional Board member to be designated by the Board Chair. The OPLIN Executive Director will be an exofficio member of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Executive Committee is responsible for reviewing all OPLIN budget proposals and expenditures and monitoring the overall operation as deemed appropriate by the Chair.

Article X: Amendments to These Bylaws.

Amendments to these Bylaws and Policies may be proposed at any regular meeting. The proposed amendment shall be made known to members not present and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting. Seven votes are required for passage of any amendment.

Article XI: Procedures.

All proceedings not specified herein shall be governed by State and Federal law and by Robert's Rules of Order.

Adopted July 11, 1995 by the OPLIN Board of Trustees; amended December 8, 2006