Records Policy

Ohio Revised Code (ORC) section 149.43(B)(2) and State of Ohio Administrative Policy, State Records Management Program, specify that state agencies shall appoint a records management officer and keep a records retention schedule available to the public. Although OPLIN is defined by ORC 3375.64 as an independent agency within the State Library of Ohio, the State Records Management Program only includes the State Library ("Library Board—LIB"), not OPLIN.

The OPLIN director shall serve as the OPLIN records management officer and shall therefore provide a retention schedule for OPLIN records to the State Library of Ohio records management officer for incorporation into the State Library records retention schedule. In the event that OPLIN receives a public records request, the State Library records management officer shall be informed; with the exception of network security and infrastructure records, as permitted by ORC 149.433, public records shall be promptly prepared and made available upon request within the provisions of ORC 149.43(B).

Adopted by the OPLIN Board on April 8, 2016